Care Proceedings

Our highly regarded family department work hard to advise and provide representation when Social Services have become involved in family life.  We also provide advice and representation in relation to matters regarding special guardianship and adoption.

We have over 25 years experience in this area of law and Mrs Jasbinder Dail is a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel.  We understand the sensitive and emotional nature that this area of law brings and our team is experienced in dealing with such difficult issues.  If you have court hearings we try to ensure that a member of our team will be at court to represent you ensuring continuity throughout.

Legal Aid

Legal Aid is available from our Reading office.  If you are a parent or person with parental responsibility and have received a letter advising you to contact a solicitor because Social Services are considering issuing court proceedings or you have been served with a notice of court hearing you will automatically be eligible for Legal Aid.

If Social Services are involved but the above situations do not apply Legal Aid may be available and we will also need to assess whether you are financially eligible. In order to establish whether you are financially eligible we will require evidence of your income/savings and your last 3 months bank statements for all accounts.

What our customers say

understanding and caring

“The solicitors all understanding and caring, as with all the staff.”

Want to know more?

To discuss your own individual private client requirements, please get in touch with our care solicitors today. Send us a message below or call your local office.