The Job Support Scheme (JSS) is being expanded by the Government to provide temporary financial support to business whose premises have been legally required to close as a direst result of restrictions set by the UK Government.
As with the JSS the Job Support Expansion Scheme (JSES) will run for six months from 1 November 2020, the government will review the scheme in January 2021.
All employers with a UK bank account and a UK PAYE scheme are eligible. The scheme is for businesses who are legally required to close and includes those business whose services are restricted to delivery or collection only. Employers who are required to close their business by local public health authorities due to workplace outbreaks will not be eligible.
The JSES will pay a grant to eligible employers based on the number of employees who have been instructed to cease work. Employers can only use this scheme for employees who cannot work for a minimum of 7 consecutive days. The government will pay two thirds of the employee’s normal wages up to a cap of £2,100 per month, class 1 NIC’s and pension contributions are not covered and remain payable by the employer.
In a bid to combat fraudulent use of the scheme HMRC will publish the names of those employers using the scheme. Employees will be able to check if their employer is claiming for them and if they are doing so fraudulently the employee can report this to HMRC using the hotline.
The government factsheet can be found at: ment_data/file/925672/20201009_JSSC_Factsheet_FINAL_EG_1516_002_.pdf
If you have any queries regarding this communication or need employment advice please do contact a member of the Employment Team on or by telephone on 0118 958 5611.