Should you reach a time when certain decisions need to be made with regards to financial or sensitive personal matters, a lasting power of attorney will give those closest to you the capability to make arrangements in accordance with your wishes.
There are two different types of lasting powers of attorney. These must be completed carefully and registered with the Office of Public Guardian so that, if you lose capacity to make your own decisions or require assistance in dealing with your finances, you know that you have appointed someone you trust to act in your best interests and speak on your behalf.
A property and financial affairs power of attorney will enable the person or people you have chosen to make decisions with regards to your property, for example, running your bank and savings accounts, dealing with any investments you may have or selling your property.
The health and welfare power of attorney will apply to any personal or medical decisions, such as, choosing your care home, giving consent to medical treatment on your behalf. Please note that these powers can only be used by the appointed person when you have lost mental capacity.
If you lose mental capacity and you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place then no one would have authority to deal with your affairs and this can cause problems for your family or friends who are trying to help you.
Rest assured that we will discuss all matters important to you and provide detailed advice and ensure that you are completely happy with your decisions before you sign any of these powers of attorney. We act as attorneys for many of our clients giving us a full understanding of the challenges you and your family may face.
To discuss powers of attorney in greater detail contact your local office.
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