Property Disputes

We know that you do not want to go to court unless it is absolutely necessary. Property disputes can be complex and cause much stress and worry in addition to the financial and time costs that you may experience.

Our expert team have an excellent reputation for solving such cases. Whether it is related to your home or business, we are committed to using mediation where possible.

If the dispute relates to your company, we will do everything possible to minimise the effect on the running of your business. Equally, if you are experiencing a dispute regarding your home, you can be safe in the knowledge that we will do all we can to solve your problem to your satisfaction.

Meet the Dispute Resolution team

What our customers say

friendly, but very efficient, law firm

“An excellent law firm with some outstanding, well skilled staff who can explain complex law issues in a simple way so it’s clearly understood. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a friendly, but very efficient, law firm.”

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